User Manual
StableBit Scanner 2.X
An innovative disk surface scanner, disk health monitor and file recovery system.


(Build 3096)

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Here, you can add multiple devices to have SMS notifications sent to.

  • Include model number

    Allows you to enable or disable the inclusion of the drives model number.

  • Include serial number

    Allows you to enable or disable the inclusion of the drives serial number.

  • Include location (case / bay)

    Allows you to enable or disable the inclusion of the drive's location information.

These options are included, as SMS messages need to have the option to be very short, as longer messages will be broken up into multiple parts. This may help keep the SMS usage to a minimum, so that we don't use too many of your text messages.

If you have unlimited SMS messages, or a very high limit, then enabling all the options may be a good choice as it will reduce the amount of information included and less likely to be split up.