User Manual
StableBit Scanner 2.X
An innovative disk surface scanner, disk health monitor and file recovery system.


(Build 3096)

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We support a number of different mobile notification platforms, so that you can immediately be notified of any issues with your system.

If you do not see your preferred notification platform listed here, or in StableBit Scanner, please contact us and let us know.

Please include a link to the platform's website and API page, so that we can see about quickly integrating the API.


This sends notifications to your iOS and Android devices using the Pushover API.

This requires an account and generating a user key.

  • Send notifications using Pushover

    This enables Pushover notifications to be sent.

  • User key

    To be able to send notifications to you, we need to have your user key. Input that here, and then we can start sending notifications to you.

  • Send a test notification...

    This sends a test notification to your account.

    This is useful for verifying that the account is properly configured and able to send notifications.


This sends notifications to your Windows Phone and Windows 8/8.1/10 based devices.

  • Send notifications using Pushalot

    Enable this option to send notifications to your devices via Pushalot

  • Authorization token

    To send notifications to your devices, we need the authorization token. Once you have that, input that here, and then we can send notifications.

  • Send a test notification

    This sends a test notification to you. This is useful for testing the configuration, and seeing your drive layout.


This sends notifications to your Android devices.

  • Send notifications using Notify My Android

    Enable this option to send notifications to your devices via Notify My Android

  • API Key

    To send notifications to your devices, we need the API key. Once you have that, input that here, and then we can send notifications.

  • Send a test notification

    This sends a test notification to you. This is useful for testing the configuration, and seeing your drive layout.