Code Change Request

# 6335

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Customer Service
StableBit Scanner

Looks like there was an issue in the BETA with it not showing up due to the theming changes.

* [Issue #6335] Fixed the "Ping" column.

The ping column tests the response time of the disk by measuring how long it takes to read 1 MB, it does so every second. 

Additionally, it tests for dropped out connections. If you check "ping" a handle is open to the disk, if after this time the disk disconnects, even for a short period, the pinging will stop and the ping column will turn red indicating that the disk has dropped out in the past.

So it serves a few functions:
  • To test for disk drops.
  • To visually identify a disk by the disk access light, which will light up once every second.
  • To see the disk response time (albeit, this is not its main purpose).