- "DrivePool.Service.exe Warning 0 [MetadataDuplicationConsistency] Storage unit count can't be 0 on '\\?\Volume{5bc2b5f9-fab8-466a-8395-5eca31216038}\'. 2014-05-04 06:38:06Z 994536525"
I checked the code and this is harmless. It shows up when removing the last disk and it basically means that it can't check metadata duplication consistency because there are no more pool parts on the pool. I've made sure that it doesn't show up as a Warning anymore. - Error reports are not showing anything critical.
He's getting this when querying for performance statistics:
System.IO.IOException: Can't open handle to volume.
But that might just be because the pool is gone after last drive removal, so no big deal.
- About "Error getting info on pack", this was an issue that was fixed a long time ago. Basically VDS is not able to enumerate some disks and returns this error. We skip this disk and continue enumeration. Again, not an issue unless it's skipping a disk that is really there, but not likely the problem here.
Otherwise, everything looks normal. But just from the symptoms, stuck at 95% when adding a drive means that the pool is not mounting. Basically the service preps the PoolPart folder and then tells CoveFS, "hey, I have a new pool part for you, mount". And then it waits for Windows to do its thing and mount a filesystem over the virtual disk. So it looks like the mount never happens. I would look at Disk Management to see if the virtual disk appears there (it should) and what file system is listed. Should be a single 2TB partition with "NTFS" as the file system. Also, it would be a good idea to check Device Manager and make sure that the Covecube Disk Enumerator is functioning correctly.
To diagnose the slowdown you can run DrivePool.Service.exe as Administrator and it will (stop the DrivePool Service) and log to the screen exactly what it's doing while starting up. Then you can see what it is that's taking so long.