
Technical Support
StableBit CloudDrive

No, no automatic conversions among providers is possible right now.

Generally speaking though, all of the providers store their data in a similar format. You can observe the data structure of FTP vs File Share, and then convert by simply renaming to conform to the other naming scheme. Other than that, you will need to update the "ProviderUid":"67e2b4db-6ea6-4e44-b924-2d2ed6932125" in the METADATA file. The provider UID, uniquely identifies the storage provider in use for a cloud drive.

FTP is 67e2b4db-6ea6-4e44-b924-2d2ed6932125
File Share is 4bb90334-24a6-451a-98d9-46fe05547622

(you can simply look them up in the METADATA by creating a cloud drive, the Provider UID is always the same for the same storage provider)

The UID that is part of the file names / directory names is simply the cloud drive's UID (same as CloudPart.[UID] , as seen on the local cache). That's mostly there to make sure that files all have a unique name.