Code Change Request

# 27496

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Technical Support
StableBit CloudDrive

I've written a CloudDrive.Convert.exe tool, and it's now part of the latest BETA. It's under the \Tools folder in Program Files\StableBit\CloudDrive.

Here's how to convert your Amazon Drive to a Local Disk:
  • Make sure to detach your Amazon Drive from StableBit CloudDrive first.
  • Download the entire CloudPart... folder of your cloud drive from Amazon.
    • If you don't know the UID of your cloud drive, you can use Technical Details to get that information when the drive is attached.
  • Unzip the somewhere on your hard drive (make sure to preserve the folder structure).
  • Run CloudDrive.Convert.exe on it. You will need to point it at the CloudPart... folder.
    • For example:

      c:\Program Files\StableBit\CloudDrive\Tools\Convert>CloudDrive.Convert.exe AmazonDriveToLocalDisk "C:\Issues\27496\AmazonDriveDownload\CloudPart-530c6cfd-5a62-4988-a11b-6db1f336cf89"

  • Once the conversion finishes, you will end up with a StableBit CloudDrive Data... folder at that location.
  • Move the StableBit CloudDrive Data... folder to the root directory of a local drive that is connected in StableBit CloudDrive.
  • Refresh the Local Disk provider connection and you should see your Amazon Cloud Drive listed.
  • Attach and use it as any other cloud drive.